ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Stoß im Himmel 1
A-1010 Wien
E-Mail: office(at)arnold.biz
Tel.: (+43 1) 5337498
Fax: (+43 1) 5351249
further details according to e-commerce law:
Company register number (FN): 341009 i, Vienna Commercial Court,
Legal form: Limited liability company (GmbH),
UID number: ATU 65449749
Chamber/Professional Association: Member of the Vienna Bar Association
Professional title: Lawyer/attorneys at law
Supervisory authority: Vienna Bar Association, www.rakwien.at
Professional regulations: Retrieved from
The texts on this website, the illustrations and the design etc. enjoy copyright protection. Any – even partial – reproduction, processing, use etc. requires the prior express written consent of ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte GmbH.
Texts, contents and other design elements on this website and its web pages are provided exclusively for the purpose of general and non-binding information.
In particular, they do not contain any legal advice. The use of the site or its contents does not constitute a contractual relationship of any kind between the user and ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte GmbH.
Any warranty, liability or other responsibility for the website, its contents, in particular also texts etc., completeness, topicality and correctness is excluded.
Any use of this website is subject to the aforementioned terms of use.
Disclosure pursuant to section 25 (2) and (4) of the Media Act
The object of the company is the practice of law pursuant to section 1b (2) of the Austrian Bar Act (RAO) and all transactions and measures which appear necessary or useful to achieve the object of the company.
Authorised representative bodies of ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte GmbH:
Dr. Florian Arnold, Managing Director
Dr. Nikolaus Arnold, Managing Director
Dr. Bernhard Vetter von der Lilie, Managing Director
Dr. Bettina Schober, Managing Director
Mag. Andreas Eder, Managing Director
Dr. Roman Gruber, Managing Director
Shareholders of ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte GmbH:
Dr. Florian Arnold 41,0556 %
Dr. Nikolaus Arnold 41,0556 %
Dr. Bernhard Vetter von der Lilie 10 %
Dr. Roman Gruber 7.5 %
Dr. Bettina Schober 0.1944 %
Mag. Andreas Eder 0.1944 %
The listed independent lawyers in cooperation are independent lawyers and have no contractual relationship with ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte GmbH.
The basic direction is the presentation of ARNOLD Rechtsanwälte GmbH and information on current legal topics. This website is aimed at clients and other persons interested in legal issues.